
My main research line focuses on several aspects of Natural Language Processing. These aspects involve poetry, morphology and phonology. But I also collaborate in projects about semantics, multimodal analysis of language and second language acquisition. In what follows, you can see my list of publications and posters:


  • 2024
  • [paper]Dunbar, M. Bekker-Nielsen, Agirrezabal, M., Bekker-Nielsen, T. (2024) Getting to Grippe With Influenza: An Investigation of Why the Disease Is Called That, Computational Humanities Research (CHR 2024), Aarhus, Denmark
  • [paper]Agirrezabal, M. (2024) Creating an Aligned Corpus of Sound and Text: The Multimodal Corpus of Shakespeare and Milton, UNPUBLISHEDLink to the corpus
  • [paper]Paggio, P., Agirrezabal, M., Jongejan, B. (2024) Movement entrainment in online meetings, Abstract in Symposium Series on Multimodal Communication, Frankfurt, Germany
  • [paper]Agirrezabal, M., Gonçalo Oliveira, H. (2024) Zero-Shot Metrical Poetry Generation with Open Language Models: a Quantitative Analysis, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Creativity ICCC'24, Jönköping, Sweden. Link to the repository
  • [paper]Paggio, P., Agirrezabal, M., Navarretta, C., Vitasovic, L. (2024) Multimodal behaviour in an online environment: The GEHM Zoom corpus collection, LREC-COLING 2024, Turin, Italy. Link to the corpus
  • 2023
  • [SLIDES]Agirrezabal, Manex (2023), Recent years on automatic poetry generation: my own thoughts, Keynote Talk at SPELLL 2023 (Second International Conference on Speech and Language Technologies for Low-Resource Languages)
  • [paper]Agirrezabal, M., Boldsen, S., Hollenstein, N. (2023), The Hidden Folk: Linguistic Properties encoded in Multilingual Contextual Character Representations, Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Computation and Written Language (CAWL)
  • [paper]Agirrezabal, M., Gonçalo Oliveira, H., Ormazabal, A. (2023) Erato: Automatizing Poetry Evaluation, Proceedings of the Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2023)
  • [paper]Agirrezabal, M., Paggio, P., Navarretta, C., Jongejan, B. (2023) Multimodal Detection and Classification of Head Movements in Face-to-Face Conversations: Exploring Models, Features and Their Interaction, Gesture and Speech in Interaction 2023
  • [paper]Aduriz, I., Agirrezabal, M., Agirre, E., Alegria, I., Arregi, X., Arriola, J.M., Artola, X., de Ilarraza, A.D., Estarrona, A., Etxeberria, I. and Ezeiza, N., Morfologia Konputazionala Euskaraz, 35 urte1. Miren Azkarateri, p.15
  • [paper]Krog, N., Agirrezabal, M. (2023), Diane Simmons at SemEval-2023 Task 5: Is it possible to make good clickbait spoilers using a Zero-Shot approach? Check it out!, Clickbait Spoiling Shared Task, Semeval 2023
  • [paper]Agirrezabal, M. (2023), Exploring the Distinction: Investigating the Recognition of Automatic Text Generation Systems and Differentiating Human Text from Language Models, Autextification Shared Task at IberLEF 2023, SEPLN 2023
  • [paper]Agirrezabal, M. (2023) KUCST at CheckThat 2023: How good can we be with a generic model?, Non-official non-published paper about CheckThat 2023 approach for subjectivity and political bias detection

  • 2022
  • [paper]Ormazabal, A., Artetxe, M., Agirrezabal, M., Soroa, A., Agirre E. (2023), PoeLM: A meter-and rhyme-controllable language model for unsupervised poetry generation, in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022
  • [paper]Boldsen, S., Agirrezabal, M., & Hollenstein, N. (2022, May). Interpreting Character Embeddings With Perceptual Representations: The Case of Shape, Sound, and Color. In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) (pp. 6819-6836).
  • [paper]Grabe, I., Zhu, J., & Agirrezabal, M. (2022). Fashion Style Generation: Evolutionary Search with Gaussian Mixture Models in the Latent Space. In International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design (Part of EvoStar) (pp. 84-100). Springer, Cham.
  • [paper]Agirrezabal, M., & Amann, J. (2022, May). KUCST@ LT-EDI-ACL2022: Detecting Signs of Depression from Social Media Text. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (pp. 245-250).

  • 2021
  • [paper]Paggio, P., Navarretta, C., Jongejan, B., Agirrezabal, M. (2021). Towards a Methodology Supporting Semiautomatic Annotation of Head Movements in Video-recorded Conversations. The Joint 15th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW) and 3rd Designing Meaning Representations (DMR) Workshop
  • [paper] Morris, D. J., Agirrezabal, M., Brännström, K. J. & Aaby Gade, P. (2021). Lateralized Readiness Potentials Recorded with Near-Threshold Auditory Stimuli in Subjects Simulating Hearing loss. Journal of Audiology and Neurotology
  • [paper] Wiemerslage, A., McCarthy, A., Erdmann, A., Nicolai, G., Agirrezabal, M., Silfverberg, M., Hulden, M., Kann, K. (2021). Findings of the SIGMORPHON 2021 Shared Task on Unsupervised Morphological Paradigm Clustering. Proceedings of the Seventeenth SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology. pp. 72-81
  • [paper] Amann, J. & Agirrezabal, M. (2021). From meaning to perception - exploring the space between word and odor perception embeddings. First International Workshop on Multisensory Data & Knowledge. LDK 2021.
  • [paper] Agirrezabal M. (2021). The Flipped Classroom model for teaching Conditional Random Fields in an NLP course. Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Teaching NLP. Association for Computational Linguistics.

  • 2020
  • [paper] Agirrezabal, M. (2020). KU-CST at the Profiling Fake News spreaders Shared Task. Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2020. CLEF 2020 Labs and Workshops, Notebook Papers:
  • [paper] Agirrezabal, M., & Wedekind, J. (2020, July). KU-CST at the SIGMORPHON 2020 Task 2 on Unsupervised Morphological Paradigm Completion. In Proceedings of the 17th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology (pp. 111-116).
  • [paper] Paggio, P., Agirrezabal, M., Jongejan, B., & Navarretta, C. (2020, May). Automatic Detection and Classification of Head Movements in Face-to-Face Conversations. In Proceedings of LREC2020 Workshop" People in language, vision and the mind"(ONION2020) (pp. 15-21).

  • 2019
  • [paper] Boldsen, S., & Agirrezabal, M. (2019). The Seemingly (Un) systematic Linking Element in Danish. In Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (pp. 376-380). Turku, Finland
  • [paper] Boldsen S., Agirrezabal M., Paggio P., (2019) "Identifying Temporal Trends Based on Perplexity and Clustering: Are We Looking at Language Change?", Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change, Florence, Italy
  • [paper] Agirrezabal, M., Altuna, B., Gil-Vallejo, L., Goikoetxea, J., & Gonzalez-Dios, I. (2019). "Creating vocabulary exercises through NLP", In Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (pp. 18-32), Copenhagen, Denmark
  • [paper] Navarretta, C., Agirrezabal, M., Maegaard, B. (2019). "The fourth Digital Humanities Conference", In Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (pp. 1-8), Copenhagen, Denmark

  • 2018
  • Paggio, P., Jongejan, B., Agirrezabal, M., & Navarretta, C. (2018). "Detecting head movements in video-recorded dyadic conversations". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Boulder, Colorado (USA)
  • Agirrezabal, M., Ping Ping Tse, A. (2018) "Gender Processing in Second Language Acquisition", Learning Language in Humans and Machines. Paris
  • Ping Ping Tse, A., Agirrezabal, M. (2018) "Top-Down Processing of Gender in Natural Second Language Acquisition Setting". International Conference on Predictive Processing. Donostia/San Sebastian
  • Agirrezabal, M. (2018). "KU-CST at CoNLL–SIGMORPHON 2018 Shared Task: a Tridirectional Model". In Proceedings of the CoNLL–SIGMORPHON 2018 Shared Task: Universal Morphological Reinflection (pp. 28-32), Brussels, Belgium
  • Pedersen B., Agirrezabal M., Nimb S., Olsen I., Olsen S., (2018) "Towards a principled approach to sense clustering–a case study of wordnet and dictionary senses in Danish", Global Wordnet Conference 2018, Singapore

  • 2017 and earlier
  • Agirrezabal M., Hulden M., Alegria I., (2017) "A comparison of Feature-based and Neural Scansion of Poetry", RANLP 2017, варна, Bulgaria
  • Agirrezabal M. (2017) "Automatic Scansion of Poetry", PhD Thesis
  • Agirrezabal M., Alegria I., Hulden M. (2017) Poesiaren eskantsio automatikoa: bi hizkuntzen azterketa. Ikergazte, Iruñea
  • Agirrezabal M., Hulden M., Alegria I., (2016) "Machine Learning for metrical analysis of English poetry", Coling 2016, Osaka, Japan
  • Gamallo P., Alegria I., Pichel Campos J.R., Agirrezabal M. (2016) Comparing two basic methods for discriminating between similar languages and varieties
  • Agirrezabal M., Hulden M., Arrieta B., Astigarraga A., (2016) "ZeuScansion: A Tool for Scansion of English Poetry", Journal of Language Modelling
  • Agirrezabal M., Gonzalez-Dios I., Lopez-Gazpio I. ,(2015) "Euskararen Sorkuntza Automatikoa: lehen urratsak", Ikergazte, Durango
  • Astigarraga A., Jauregi E., Lazkano E., Agirrezabal M., (2014) "Textual Coherence in a Verse-Maker Robot", Human-Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 3, Springer International Publishing
  • Agirrezabal M., Heinz J., Hulden M., Arrieta B., (2014) "Assigning stress to out-of-vocabulary words: three approaches", International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Las Vegas (NV), USA, Article
  • Manex Agirrezabal, Bertol Arrieta, Aitzol Astigarraga, Mans Hulden, (2014) "1986-2013 arteko Bertsolari Txapelketa Nagusien analisi estatistikoa", Euskal Herriko Bertsozale elkartea, Artikulua bertsozale elkartean
  • Manex Agirrezabal, Bertol Arrieta, Aitzol Astigarraga, Mans Hulden, (2013) "Bota bertsoa, eta guk aztertuko dugu: Azken urteetako Bertsolari Txapelketa Nagusien analisia", Elhuyar zientzia eta teknika p. 46-49, Artikulua Elhuyarren
  • Osinalde M., Astigarraga A., Rodriguez I., Agirrezabal M., (2013) "Towards Basque Oral Poetry Analysis: A Machine Learning Approach", Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria
  • Agirrezabal M., Arrieta B., Hulden M., Astigarraga A., (2013) "POS-tag based poetry generation with WordNet", Proceedings of the 14th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, ACL 2013, Sofia
  • Agirrezabal M., Hulden M., Arrieta B., Astigarraga A., (2013) "ZeuScansion: a tool for scansion of English poetry", Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing, St. Andrews
  • Perez-de-Vinaspre O., Oronoz M., Agirrezabal M., Lersundi M., (2013) "A Finite-State Approach to Translate SNOMED CT Terms into Basque Using Medical Prefixes and Suffixes",Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing, St. Andrews
  • A Astigarraga, M Agirrezabal, E Lazkano, E Jauregi, B Sierra, (2013) "Bertsobot: the first minstrel robot", The 6th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI), Gdansk
  • Agirrezabal M., Alegria I., Hulden M., (2012) “Using foma for language-based games”, Proceedings of the First Workshop on Games and NLP, JapTAL 2012, Kanazawa.
  • Agirrezabal M. (2012) Bertsobot: lehen urratsak. Master tesia. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
  • Agirrezabal M., Alegria I., Arrieta B., Hulden M., (2012) “Finite-state technology in a verse-making tool”, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing, Donostia-San Sebastián.
  • Agirrezabal M., Alegria I., Arrieta B., Hulden M., (2012) “BAD: An assistant tool for making verses in Basque”, Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences and Humanities, EACL 2012, Avignon.
  • Agirrezabal M. (2011) "Bertsotarako Arbel Digitala". Karrera Bukaerako Proiektua. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea


  • Agirrezabal M. (2020). The Flipped Classroom model for teaching Conditional Random Fields in an NLP course. Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Teaching NLP. Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • Agirrezabal, M., & Wedekind, J. (2020, July). KU-CST at the SIGMORPHON 2020 Task 2 on Unsupervised Morphological Paradigm Completion. In Proceedings of the 17th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology (pp. 111-116). Link to poster
  • Boldsen S., Agirrezabal M., Paggio P., (2019) "Identifying Temporal Trends Based on Perplexity and Clustering: Are We Looking at Language Change?", Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change, Florence, Italy Link to poster
  • Ping Ping Tse A., Agirrezabal M., (2018) Top-Down Processing of Gender in Natural Second Language Acquisition Setting, 1st International Conference on Predictive Processing, Donostia-San Sebastian Link to poster
  • Agirrezabal M., Ping Ping Tse A., (2018) Gender Processing in Second Language Acquisition, Learning Language in Humans and Machines (L2HM), Paris Link to poster
  • Paggio, P., Jongejan, B., Agirrezabal, M., & Navarretta, C. (2018). "Detecting head movements in video-recorded dyadic conversations". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Boulder, Colorado (USA)
  • Agirrezabal, M. (2018). "KU-CST at CoNLL–SIGMORPHON 2018 Shared Task: a Tridirectional Model". In Proceedings of the CoNLL–SIGMORPHON 2018 Shared Task: Universal Morphological Reinflection (pp. 28-32), Brussels, Belgium
  • Agirrezabal M., Hulden M., Alegria I., (2016) "Machine Learning for metrical analysis of English poetry", Coling 2016, Osaka, Japan
  • Osinalde M., Astigarraga A., Rodriguez I., Agirrezabal M., (2013) "Towards Basque Oral Poetry Analysis: A Machine Learning Approach", Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria
  • Agirrezabal M., Arrieta B., Hulden M., Astigarraga A., (2013) "POS-tag based poetry generation with WordNet", 14th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, ACL 2013, Sofia
  • Agirrezabal M., Alegria I., Arrieta B., Hulden M., (2012) "Finite-state technology in a verse-making tool", 10th International Workshop on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing, Donostia-San Sebastián.
  • Agirrezabal M., Alegria I., Hulden M. (2012) "Using foma for language-based games". 1st Workshop on Games and NLP (GAMNLP-12)
  • Agirrezabal M., Alegria I., Arrieta B., Hulden M., (2012) "BAD: An assistant tool for making verses in Basque", Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences and Humanities, EACL 2012, Avignon.