Manex Agirrezabal
Tell me more about you

About me

My name is Manex Agirrezabal and I am an Associate Professor at the Centre for Language Technology (Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen).

I studied Computer Science for 5 years (UPV/EHU).
And a Master in Natural Language Processing (UPV/EHU). Luckily I could do both in Basque, my mother language.
I did my PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) at the IXA NLP group.
After that, I was a postdoc and later Assistant Professor at the University of Copenhagen at the Centre for Language Technology (CST).

My main research interest is the automatical analysis of poetry in English, especially stress patterns. But wait, can computers analyze poetry? Yeah! They can! Some researchers started working on it in the early 80s with interesting contributions. Nowadays we apply current techniques to these problems.

Apart of my main research line, I also like the generation of language, computational morphology/phonology and finite-state methods.

Github link

GitHub profile

This is my GitHub profile, where I upload most of my open-source projects.

Bitbucket link

BitBucket profile

There are other projects in my Bitbucket profile.

Prezi link

Prezi profile

I sometimes make use of Prezi to make presentations, check the profile if you want to see them.

SoundCloud Logo


In my spare time, I love playing piano. You can check some songs that I play in my Soundcloud channel.


Some projects I have been working on.


Rule-based scansion of English poetry

When Danes Prayed in German

I am partly working on this project, developing NLP techniques.


A framework for the automatic evaluation of poetry

The Hidden Folk

In this project, we analyzed the linguistic properties encoded in multilingual contextual character representations.

Head Movement Detection

I have worked in several projects related to the detection of head movements.

Fun projects

This is a collection of fun projects that I developed, which include games, game simulators, and so on.


This is what I have done so far.

  • 2006-2011

    Computer Science

    I studied Computer Science at Euskal Herriko Unibertsitates, the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), in Donostia. My senior project was "Bertsotarako Arbel Digitala", an assistant tool for making verses in Basque.

  • 2011-2012

    I start doing NLP!

    I did a the Master in Language Analysis and Processing at the University of the Basque Country. I start working on the IXA NLP group.

  • 2012-2017

    I dive in the adventure of a PhD!

    After finishing the Masters about Language Processing, I started doing a PhD on poetry analysis and generation under the supervision of Mans Hulden, Iñaki Alegria and Bertol Arrieta.

  • 2017-2019

    Postdoc at the University of Copenhagen

    I was a postdoc at the Centre for Language Technology at the University of Copenhagen.

  • 2019-2022

    Assistant Professor at the University of Copenhagen

    I was an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Language Technology at the University of Copenhagen.

My advisors

These were my three supervisors during my PhD.

Iñaki Alegria

Bertol Arrieta

Mans Hulden

Contact Me

Here I include some contact information.
Name: Manex Agirrezabal Zabaleta
Address: University of Copenhagen
Centre for Language Technology
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
Emil Holms Kanal 2, building 22
2300 Copenhagen S
Telf: +34 665 722211, +45 71 35 23 49
Office: 22.3.50
Skype: zumarraga14
GoogleId: manex.agirrezabal